
Ion Enhanced Wellness

The world’s first high-vibrational, frequency imprinted supplement line. Our products have been energetically enhanced using the proprietary technology from KitCore Labs.

The product line we offer represents a lifetime of research in neurological functional medicine. Our team of experts came together under the tutelage of Dr Stephen Taylor, DC, DABCN who is world-renowned for his comprehensive knowledge of functional neurology. As an injured Vietnam veteran, Dr Taylor was told he would never walk again. This was the beginning of his research in pain recovery that lead to the development of KitCore’s ion enhancement process and to his own successful healing.

All products carry our frequency logo, this symbol is our guarantee that the product you are about to use carries a healing and grounding frequency, proven to amplify negative ions, increase absorption and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Giving you a more energetic and therapeutic product.

Kitafied is a heart centered conscious team. We are your partner in health and value your trust and commitment.


Kitafied proudly supports healing practitioners of multiple disciplines and modalities.

Our team gratefully supported the World Massage Festival this year with our booth, sharing the healing to all we meet.

Thank you Karin & Frank!